Writing Tips for Shipping Clerk Resumes

Shipping clerks are an essential part of companies involved in the shipment of manufactured materials or items. Typically, shipping clerks serve as receiving clerks, although the scale of operations can be much larger.

If you’re looking to apply for a shipping clerk position, you should begin by creating a proper resume. A proper shipping clerk resume shows how your expertise and intention are the right fit for the position. Basically, you should sell yourself through your resume.

Here are our top tips for writing shipping clerk resumes that will get you the job.

We should begin by mentioning that your resume should be specific to the needs expressed by the organization you’re applying to. Tailor your resume to the application and needs. This means that your education, skills, and expertise should be directly related to the position.

Your resume should also be concise. The hiring manager should be able to assess your suitability for the position easily through your resume. Keep your resume as straightforward as possible.

Key sections of a shipping clerk resume

The key sections of a shipping clerk resume are the objectives, core competence, job experience, and education and professional qualification. Now, let’s go into the details of how you should tailor these sections to sell yourself to the hiring manager.


Your objective statement should be concise and limited to one or two sentences. Your aim should be to convince the organization of your suitability for the position and the value you will add to the organization.

Core competence

This section is where you share details about the skills you possess that are related to the position. Highlight specific and transferable skills and leave unrelated skills out of the resume.

Job experience

Since you are applying to the shipping industry, it is helpful that you tailor your resume to show your related experience. Hiring managers want to know that you deliver under pressure and with little to no supervision.

Education and professional qualifications

This is where you highlight your education, including professional certifications. Include any qualification that will improve your chances of getting the job.

In conclusion, a well-written shipping clerk resume should have these four sections well highlighted. Communicate your skills, experience, and suitability for the position concisely, and position yourself to get the job.

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